One stop shop for mental health tools

How it works

2. Find a

Search for a therapist using our ‘Match Me’ filters or select your therapist by name.

3. Book

Select your appointment time and click ‘Proceed to Booking Basket’...........................

4. Have your

Login to your account before your appointment time and wait for your therapist.

Our Services

Video & Instant Text Counselling

Secure video or instant text counselling on a pay as you go basis with no contracts from £60 per hour

Support & Treatment for All Mental Health Issues

Be it stress, anxiety, depression or a more complicated issue we have therapists ready to help you.

Fully Vetted Counsellors & Psychologists

Choose a therapist by matching your issues and language with our wide range of fully qualified and vetted therapists with at least three years clinical experience.

Free Assessments for Anxiety & Depression

Monitor your mental health and wellbeing using our NHS approved anxiety and depression assessments and store the results in your own secure personal account for free.

24/7 Appointments

Our therapists are available for appointments at times convenient to you during the day, evenings and weekends all for the same price.

Personalised Dashboard

Register for a FREE account and track your progress over time by regularly undertaking our Anxiety and Depression assessments.

NHS Services

We offer a CBT service with BABCP accredited therapists on a personalised platform for both Mental Health Trusts and Mental Health providers enabling waiting list times to be dramatically reduced. Read More

Business Services

Support your staff with their mental health and wellbeing and reduce the costs of absenteeism. Achieve a payback of between four and eight times. Read More

Some of Our Therapists

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Get our App Now and strat your therapy today

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What our customers say

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“The best customer service”

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John Carter
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“A truly great bank”

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Daniel Cutts
Small business owner
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“An amazing bank”

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Sophie Moore
Startup founder

Get started today

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